This blog original started as a place where to post some of my photos, but in time it become more than that, it became my portfolio. Pushed by my wife, who is a fashion designer, I started with graphic design, even if my specialty is as English teacher. I taught myself some of the Adobe Suit programs and CorelDraw and I begun to be prolific in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.
If you like my work don't hesitate to live a comment, or we can even do something together.
I could say that the passion for photography started when I was little, but everything basically began when I got my first camera, a Canon AT-1 SLR manual, from that moment I’ve learned as much as I could about this profession. If you like the shots made by me and you're interested contact me on my email addresses:, or on my phone +40.733.948.684
Romanian version:
Acest blog initial a inceput ca un loc in care sa-mi postez o parte din poze, dar in timp a devenit mai mult de atat, a devenit portofoliul meu. Impins de sotia mea, care este fashion designer, am inceput a face graphic design, chiar daca specilizarea mea este de profesor de Engleza. M-am auto invatat o parete din Programele Adobe Suit si CorelDraw si am inceput sa fiu profilic in Photoshop, Illustrator si InDesign.
Daca iti place ceea ce fac nu ezita sa lasi un comment, ori putem lucra ceva impreuna.
Pot spune ca pasiunea pentru fotografie am avut-o de cand eram foarte mic, dar totul practic a inceput atunci cand mi-am luat primul aparat un Canon AT-1 SLR manual, de atunci incoace nu am facut decat sa invat cat se poate de mult despre aceasta profesie. Daca va plac pozele facute de mine si sunteti interesati ma puteti contacta pe adresele de mail: & sau la numarul de telefon +40.733.948.684
Enjoy watching this blog…
Dan Grigorescu
Cheia 13, Ploiesti, Prahova
100335 Romania